

Erica’s Bio

Erica is a natural-born healer. From an early age, she always knew she had the ability to tap into the stream of consciousness. Throughout her life, she utilized her life experiences and honed her skills. Ama~Deus became instrumental in her personal spiritual and physical healing journey and transformation. Therefore, Erica became a Level 3 Certified Ama~Deus Energy Healing Practitioner, Certified Aroma Touch Therapist and a Member of the International Association of Ama~Deus.

She has learned from, collaborated with and practiced with other practitioners of varying modalities all the while knowing that she wanted to prepare herself to share this gift with as many others as possible. In her work, she has been able to help countless individuals clear the body of unhealthy energies, imbalance and lessen the effects of dis-ease by healing from a soul perspective. The origin of Ama~Deus is described below.

Ama~Deus Healing

Ama~Deus is a 6000 year old Healing tradition that originated with one of the oldest living cultures in existence, the Guarani tribe of the Amazon. This ancient spiritual practice and energy healing technique incorporates Love, the sacred energy of the Universe and Source. Ama = Love, Deus = God. We are more than just the physical body and there is more to the world than what is see. Matter and Energy are interchangeable. There is no separation between the physical world and the world of spirit. There is only the illusion of separation. We are all connected and Ama~Deus is one of many methods that may be utilized to enhance awareness, personal growth and healing.

Balance Mind Body and Spirit
Ama Deus